Display Color Adjustment
If you are migrating from legacy terminals you may find it necessary to adjust the colors on the display to match the colors on the older terminals. This is due to the changes in display hardware and driver technology. Use the following procedure to change the colors. The procedures are the same for Windows XP and Windows 7 except for the screens. Both screens are shown.
1.Apply power to the system.
2.Right click the Desktop and then select Graphics Properties from the menu to start the control panel. Both displays should be recognized.
3.Select Color Correction on a Windows XP system.
Windows XP
Windows 7
Select Color Enhancement on a Windows 7 system.
4.Adjust the Gamma, Brightness, and Contrast controls according to your preferences. The colors can be adjusted together or individually.
Windows XP
Windows 7
5.Select Apply (Windows XP) or OK (Windows 7) to accept the new settings.
Note: The default settings can be restored by clicking the Restore Defaults button.